We are live!


Come join us at at the Ask an Expert RIBA pavilion of Grand Designs Live at London Excel. We will provide free advice to homeowners until 6pm!

At Ask an Expert, Grand Designs Live provides a unique platform for prospective clients to connect and engage with a diverse team of specialists. The panel consists of RIBA architects, skilled interior designers, innovative landscape gardeners, knowledgeable financial experts, insightful planning consultants, and passionate eco specialists. By attending the session, clients can seize the opportunity to present their plans, drawings, and budgets, enabling the experts to offer tailored advice and practical solutions. With such a comprehensive range of expertise, this is an invaluable chance for anyone contemplating construction work on their house in the near future. Don't miss out on this enriching experience!

This is our second participation to the event, and we are excited to be back again! This time, we are bringing even more expertise and support to ensure that attendees have a fruitful experience. Iacopo and Leonidas, will be available throughout the day to offer advice and guidance. Whether you have questions about architectural design, sustainable materials, or innovative construction techniques, they will be there to assist you until late afternoon. Don't miss this opportunity to tap into their knowledge and expertise!

Grand Designs Live

Today is an exciting day for us at Square One Architects because we are going to Grand Designs Live at London's Excel. We will be showing our expertise in innovative designs and architectural solutions. We are excited to meet potential clients and have 25-minute introductory consultations at our 'Ask an Expert' stand. We will answer questions, offer insights, and make meaningful connections. This event is a chance for us to showcase our skills and understand what people want for their dream spaces. We are confident that this experience will be rewarding for both us and our clients as we guide them towards exceptional design.

At the Ask an Expert Zone, you can schedule personalized consultations with specialists in architecture, construction, finance, and interior design. Our goal is to provide tailored advice and guidance for your building and renovation plans. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you make informed decisions and turn your dreams into reality. Whether you need help with architectural design or financial matters, the experts at Grand Designs Live will support you every step of the way. Trust that your project will receive the attention it deserves with our wide range of expertise. Schedule your consultation today at the Ask an Expert Zone and begin your journey towards creating transformative and inspiring spaces.

To make it fair, we will use a first-come-first-serve system for appointments at Grand Designs Live. Our team is ready to help you and provide customized architectural solutions. Contact us now and make your appointment!
